2 guys on a trip around the world in a Dodge Ambulance WC54 from WWII.

The Dodge WC54

The trip will take the lucky (crazy?) members of the Expedition to North Cape as the first leg of the journey. From there the Expedition will be rolling into Eastern Europe via Russia, across the Bosphoros to Asia, then on to India, to South East Asia, to Australia, northwards to Japan, and across the Pacific to North America.

From the northern tip of America the Expedition will follow the Trans American Highway to the southern tip of South America.

After visiting most of the countries in the Americas, the Expedition will cross the Atlantic to Africa, then zig-zag the continent on the way back to Europe. That's it!

Notice the odometer on the left side? After the journey commences, the odometer will show the total distance driven (in kilometers).

ETD: ???

ETA: ???

Last updated: 2010-03-29

Site Stats Total distance driven